I LOVE MYSELF SO MUCH THAT IT ACTUALLY HURTS. I.L.M.S.M.T.I.A.H. SYNDROME brings forth the fine line between "self love" and loneliness. It brings light to a more twisted side of "self love", where "self love" is shown not to show one's confidence or happiness for themselves as a person, but as a cloak one wears to shield themselves from their fear of interacting with others. I.L.M.S.M.T.I.A.H. SYNDROME is displayed in a person when he or she denies and refuses himself or herself from basic human instincts such as SECURITY, LOVE and JOY with the excuse of being able to provide these needs for themselves with what they call "self love". I directed and shot myself with a tripod for I.L.M.S.M.T.I.A.H. SYNDROME because I have it but I am proud of myself because it makes me feel happy and content and this is who I am and I am proud and happy to have this because this makes me feel confident and happy and myself because I am the I.L.M.S.M.T.I.A.H. SYNDROME.
I.L.M.S.M.T.I.A.H. SYNDROME consists of the three parts SECURITY, LOVE and JOY.